Two children working together

Supporting all teachers of primary science

Whether you are just beginning a career in teaching, an experienced teacher or school leader, PSTT is here to help.

Find the best support for your school

PSTT provides support and development opportunities for all primary science educators. We aim to strengthen primary science teaching and leadership by helping schools apply approaches that best meet their needs. Increase your confidence as a science practitioner through our support offers below.

Strengthen & develop scientific understanding

PSTT can provide bespoke support for you and your school

Our Regional Mentors offer personalised support tailored to your specific needs, including one-on-one Science Leader support, teacher training, curriculum development, planning assistance, network meetings, and INSET days.

Let us know how our primary science experts can support you by completing the form. Simply click the + icon to expand and fill in your details for a Regional Mentor to be in touch.

Need more information before getting started? Discover how a Regional Mentor can support your school, benefit your pupils, and hear about the experiences of other schools—while also getting to know your dedicated Regional Mentor. Learn more

Create an engaging learning environment

Science leadership

How are you enriching primary science at your school? Use our Subject Leader Self-evaluation Tool to help evaluate where your school is whilst mapping out an action plan to take your leadership role further.

  • Explore various methods of implementing a Whole School Approach for engaging science teaching,
  • Foster enthusiasm about science with staff while making the most of your Role as Subject Leader and
  • Bring purposeful science learning throughout your school with different ideas to Raise the Profile of Science.


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Increase competence & confidence in science teaching

Initial Teacher Education

PSTT has developed the Primary Science Enhancement Award (PSEA) scheme for Initial Teacher Education (ITE). The PSEA scheme enables student teachers to engage in reflective practice and development in primary science beyond the statutory content of their initial teacher education phase. Find out more about the scheme, upcoming dates and how to participate if you’re a Initial Teacher Education provider.


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a teacher and primary pupils observing living things in their outside garden pond

Strengthening primary science in schools that need it most

Priority Areas Initiative

PSTT’s Priority Areas Initiative provides dedicated support to schools that need it most, helping to enhance science teaching and leadership. Through funded resources, CPD and hands-on activities, we build long-term improvements that empower teachers and benefit pupils. By working closely with selected schools, we ensure our support is tailored, effective and sustainable. Explore the impact of our work and the difference it’s making in schools.


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children connecting electrical wires to a circuit, including alligator clips and a battery pack

Develop science for children with a diverse range of needs


PSTT has collaborated with Sheffield Hallam University to develop creative and responsive approaches that enable teachers to draw out and maximise individual children’s strengths. You will also find trusted resources suitable for all ages and abilities, focussing on children with SEND to make progress with primary science.

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School children

Why&How Magazine

PSTT's termly primary science magazine.

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Child working on activity


We create resources for teachers by teachers.

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Two teachers discussing

Continuing Professional Development

We offer many free CPD opportunities. Take a look at our upcoming events.

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Teachers at PSTT awards

Primary Science Teacher Awards

We recognise outstanding classroom teachers through the annual Primary Science Teacher Awards (PSTAs).

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PSTT Fellows

PSTT Fellows & the College

We provide opportunities for PSTT Fellows to develop and disseminate best practice in primary science through the PSTT College.

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Children at PSEC conference

Primary Science Education Conferences

We promote and share excellence in primary science through our international Primary Science Education Conferences.

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