Person using VR headset

Professional learning events

Opportunities to explore and share good practice

PSTT offers professional learning opportunities for all educators, ranging from webinars to international conferences.

We encourage all class teachers, science subject leaders, student teachers and anyone with an interest in primary science education to join our events. Below you’ll find upcoming events and be able to catch up on past events. Be sure to stay informed with upcoming events by joining our mailing list.

If you have any questions about events shown below or would like to share ideas for future events, please get in touch here.

Starting 22 January: Assessment in primary science

Primary Science Leadership Webinar Series

Our 6-part webinar series is in full swing! This webinar series is designed to support science leaders with the key aspects of primary science leadership. Over the course of the year, half-termly sessions will cover the following essential topics needed for leadership: curriculum coverage, managing assessment, monitoring, and reviewing impact in science education.

While the first webinar has already taken place, you can still join us for the remaining five sessions. Each webinar stands alone, so whether you missed the first one or just want to register for specific topics, it’s not too late! Register now to enhance your leadership skills and elevate science education in your school.

Learn more & register here
educators working on assignments given during a professional development course

4pm – 5pm, Tuesday 4 February

PSTT Hosts Science Week Opportunities Learning Session

Looking for exciting and relevant events to make your school’s Science Week a success?

Join us for a FREE learning session designed to support teachers and senior leaders in planning an inspiring Science Week. This session will introduce a range of opportunities for primary schools, highlighting flexible options to fit your needs and priorities.

Discover activities and experiences, all aimed at enhancing science learning and engagement during Science Week.

Please note, the providers featured in this event are paying to promote their offer. The inclusion or exclusion of providers at the event does not signal an endorsement or discouragement from PSTT for these opportunities.

Register here
two upper primary children conducting a science experiment in the classroom

Inspiring science days for schools this March

British Science Week 2025: Online Lessons

Celebrate British Science Week 2025 with inspirational science days for your whole school! Join our award-winning teachers as they deliver four online lessons – one for each key stage, including EYFS – introducing scientific investigations linked to this year’s theme, Change and Adapt. Lessons are curriculum-linked, easy to resource and interactive.


  • 10 March: North of England
  • 11 March: Midlands
  • 14 March: South of England

Can’t attend your region’s date? Book any available session! Schools receive a guidance pack with resources and links.

Register here
Primary children observing a rolling bottle down a ramp

4-day training programme for 2025

Thinking, Doing, Talking Science

The TDTScience programme empowers teachers to create challenging science lessons that foster higher-order thinking. Four engaging training days, spread across the academic year with gap tasks, showcase TDTScience strategies through different science topics. Suitable for all primary ages and compatible with any curriculum.

Key course content includes:

  • Strategies to develop children’s knowledge and understanding through higher-order thinking skills
  • Ready-to-use classroom activities
  • Effective assessment through focused recording
  • Progression strategies across the curriculum for all students

*Dates starting in March have now been posted for London and Chester.*

Learn more & register here
TDTScience poster

Video available

How do I audit science & write an action plan?

Science leaders – learn how to find out what is happening in science at your school. By the end of this webinar you will:

  • Be aware of what should be audited in primary science.
  • Learn why we should be auditing.
  • Know, in practical terms, what auditing looks like.

We will then consider how auditing feeds into your action plan and School Improvement Plan.

Presenting this webinar is Kulvinder Johal, PSTT’s Priority Areas Mentor and Regional Mentor.

Explore our upcoming leadership webinars
educators working on assignments given during a professional development course

Video available

Using the Equity Compass

Ensure your school is moving towards an equitable approach. Developed by the Primary Science Capital Teaching Approach team, the Equity Compass is a tool that can be used to help you think critically about social justice and equity. The compass highlights 8 key dimensions of equitable work and the questions help you evaluate your practices in relation to all the dimensions to ensure you are engaging with and supporting underserved communities.

Presenters for this session: Accredited Science Capital trainers Ruth Shallcross and Jo Moore

Download accompanying slides
three primary children playing with soil and plants outside school grounds

Video available

Did you know? Introduce climate and science research to children

Find out more about a resource that brings cutting-edge research and practical investigations to your science teaching. Presenters will share examples of Did you know? articles which explain cutting-edge research in language that primary children (aged 7-12) can understand and suggest questions for children to consider.

upper primary child looking at plants outside through a plastic device

Video available

Sketchbook Science: Connecting Science and Art

Explore PSTT’s latest resource for strategies on linking science and art in your classroom or whole school. Sketchbook Science contains eight projects which connect science and art, enhancing conceptual understanding and skills in both subjects.

After this session you will:

• Understand a range of strategies to link science and art

• Have reflected on how the Sketchbook Science activities might be used in your own setting

Presenting this session: Alex Farrer, teacher at Wimbledon High School and PSTT Fellow

a person making a heart shape with their hands and it creating a shadow with the lighting - an image cover of PSTT's Sketchbook Science resource is to the right

Previous series: 4 videos available

Develop Children's Identity with Science

Discover how a social justice approach to science teaching can support ALL children to build an identity with science.

In PSTT’s four-part webinar series, experts from Explorify, the Institute of Physics and NUSTEM share research and materials to help enrich your science lessons. Learn how to reduce stereotypes commonly heard in the classroom while encouraging young learners to have a personal connection to science.

Click through to watch all videos and download the accompanying slides for each.

Video 1

Take a Social Justice Approach to Your Science Teaching

Are you interested in learning new ways to engage and help more young people relate to science?

This first video gives educators guidance to ensure all learners have a personal connection to their science lessons. Discover quality resources and expert suggestions on ways to apply them through a science capital lens.

Presenters for this session: Accredited Science Capital trainers Ruth Shallcross (PSTT) and Jo Moore (Explorify)

Download accompanying slides

Video 2

Physics is for Everyone: Explore IOP’s Limit Less Campaign

Support young people to change the world! The IOP recognises the importance of all children having the opportunity and agency to be part of solutions for our future.

Offering guidance and ideas for practitioners, this webinar delves into the more practical side and shows how teachers can put these ideas into action throughout their school.

Presenters for this video: IOP’s Beth Bramley and Carole Kenrick

Download accompanying slides

Video 3

Use Your Classroom to Promote Diversity in Science

Does your school promote diverse role models? This third webinar examines the meaning of diversity, common misconceptions and offers suggestions on how your school can encourage and celebrate diversity in science.

Learn about high quality resources that are easy to add to your curriculum while enriching your science lessons.

Leading this webinar: Kulvinder Johal (PSTT) with contributions from Dr Pearl Agyakwa (Nottingham University)

Download accompanying slides

Video 4

Tackle Stereotypes & Raise Awareness of STEM Careers

Are you interested in learning how NUSTEM have used their research to improve children’s connection to science and STEM careers?

Watch the last webinar in the series to learn more about children’s perceptions of scientists and strategies for developing positive connections with people working in STEM careers based on shared characteristics.

Discover tools linked to the National Curriculum to help promote a wide range of STEM careers.

Presenters for this event: NUSTEM’s Annie Padwick and Joe Shimwell

Download accompanying slides

PSTT international Primary Science Education Conferences

In 2016 and 2019, PSTT was proud to host the International Primary Science Education Conference. Taking place in Belfast and Glasgow, these major events united primary science educators from across the UK and internationally. The programmes included keynotes, practical workshops, reflective seminars, interactive talks and a wealth of suggestions for hands-on and exciting science activities. In 2019, PSEC included a special conference for children too.

In 2019, 99% of delegates agreed that the conference met or exceeded their expectations.

Access recordings of previous sessions

Welcome to our webinar archive

Find valuable insights and practical guidance for primary science teaching. You’ll also find links to two key PSTT resources designed to support your professional development.

Leadership Webinar Recordings
educators working on assignments given during a professional development course

Checking to see how long text can be in this box

Watch here
TDTScience poster


Watch here