News | Nov 28, 2023

New EEF guidance on improving primary science teaching

Guidance report offering practical, evidence-informed recommendations to support high-quality science provision

High-quality primary science teaching builds pupils’ curiosity and critical thinking, helping them to build a coherent understanding of the world around them. It’s also crucial from a social mobility point of view, opening children’s minds to the opportunities they could pursue in later life.

Underpinned by a systematic review of the best available international evidence around effective primary science teaching practice, the report outlines six actionable recommendations to support teachers and school leaders to make improvements to their existing science provision.

Each recommendation includes models, worked examples and suggested strategies to illustrate what the evidence could look like practice in your primary school classroom.
The report – which is free to download from the EEF’s website – is accompanied by additional resources designed to support pupils’ independence when working scientifically and prompt meaningful discussions around science professional development for staff.

Explore our Theory & Practice page to learn more about resources that make a real difference to children’s learning.