To support pupils with special educational needs and disabilities in science, teachers may find the following resources from the original STRATA project useful.

Special Educational Needs in Science - STRATA 2019
Animals, Biodiversity & Habitats, Electricity, Energy, Evolution & Inheritance, Forces, Light, Plants, Properties & Uses of Materials, Sound, Space, States of Matter
SEN(D) / Additional Support needs
5-7, 7-9, 9-12
Medium term plans to support the work of teachers of pupils with special educational needs in science.
These Medium Term Plans were developed by Cambridgeshire teachers, involved in the STRATA project (Science To Raise And Track Achievement), to support the work of teachers of pupils with Special Educational Needs in Science.
The units can be used in any order. Even though the activities may focus on a particular level of pupil, the principles of good teaching and learning that they exemplify are transferable to all pupils.
Performance attainment targets (P scales) and performance descriptors are used for pupils aged 5 to 16 with special educational needs (SEN) who are working below the standard of the national curriculum tests and assessments. PSTT recognises that the national curriculum levels used in these documents are no longer current. We have had so many requests to return these materials to the website that they remain in the documents as a guide for those who have used them in the past. The written statements may be useful to others as an indication of children’s development. Further information about P scales can be found here.
The content of these plans is ©PSTT 2019 but may be freely reproduced by teachers in schools for educational purposes.
Medium term plans
Other STRATA resources
Guidance for teachers
Useful websites
P scale – attainment targets for pupils with special educational needs. This guidance from DFE (2017) specifies performance attainment targets (P scales) and performance descriptors for pupils aged 5 to 16 with special educational needs (SEN) who are working below the standard of the national curriculum tests and assessments. This guidance was withdrawn in 2022.
The SEND Code of Practice (2015) provides statutory guidance for organisations which work with and support children and young people who have special educational needs or disabilities.
PSTT’s Science in My Pocket (SIMP) is a set of structured science activities developed by PSTT for teaching assistants to use with children who need emotional and behavioural support.
Science For All is a project by Sheffield Hallam University, supported by PSTT, which has produced a variety of tried and tested resources that engage SEND pupils in their science lessons.
Special Educational Needs in Mainstream Schools, a guidance report is available from The Educational Endowment Foundation (EEF).