Watch the first video in the series here, or search through the activity cards below to find the rest of the videos in the series.

Starters for Science
Animals, Biodiversity & Habitats, Energy, Forces, Light, Properties & Uses of Materials, Sound, States of Matter
Practical Science, Science Enquiry, STEM
5-7, 7-9, 9-12
A series of five-minute videos to get started with practical enquiry
Each video includes:
- A question or scenario related to the real world
- Time for children to think about what they already know
- A demonstration of a starter practical activity
- Time for children to think of their own questions
- Ideas about what they could find out for themselves
- Encouragement to share what they found with others
These videos are designed to get children doing some simple practical science enquiry. They are not age specific, nor directly aligned to any particular curriculum unit. They are intended to give children valuable practical experiences that they will then be able to draw on once they meet the relevant concepts in a more formal learning situation. Activities require minimal resources and can be used in school or at home.
The Starters for Science videos were created by Ali Eley (Outreach Director), Kate Redhead (Regional Mentor) with Alex Farrer (PSTT College Fellow).
Grateful thanks to PSTT Fellows who took part in the videos: Rufus Cooper, Emma Crisell, Tom Jones, Jenny Lister, Jeannette Morgan, Hannah Osueke, Katharine Pemberton, Jules Pottle, Vanessa Seerhra, Elaine Stockdale and Tracy Tyrrell, and also to Haf Hayes for all the Welsh translations.