News | Jan 20, 2025

A farewell to Martin Hollins: dedicated educator and PSTT supporter

We are very sad to report the death of Martin Hollins. Martin was a member of PSTT’s board of trustees for 12 years from 2006 – 2018, but first and foremost he was a science teacher who lived to support and inspire children in STEM.  He was a great advocate for PSTT’s work, and a huge supporter of the College and the work of our Fellows. Many will remember his high levels of engagement and enthusiasm for our work, shown by his constant presence at conferences, events and projects, particularly his support of Fellows during Science on Stage in 2013. His commitment to improving science education started with his own career in teaching, then he moved on to work within initial teacher education and in the professional development of teachers. With a keen interest in curriculum, Martin worked tirelessly as principal officer for science at the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority, where his responsibilities included developing the national curriculum and its assessment in primary science. Martin was committed to creating an inclusive and accessible STEM sector and fought for the rights of those with disabilities within STEM and those wanting to enter the sector. PSTT is lucky to have benefitted from Martin’s support, expertise and input and his loss will be felt greatly.


Details of Martin Hollins’ memorial service at Worth Abbey are available. If you would like further information, please contact [email protected].